You Don't Have to Spend Hundreds of Hours on YouTube to Learn Shooting & Editing for Social Media

(I've been there and done that - 0/5 stars)

Join the course today. Start editing professional videos tomorrow.

It really is that simple.

Shoot Your Shot! Reels Training Guide

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Introducing SHOOT YOUR SHOT! Reels Training Guide

by @OlanaFilms

A step-by-step shooting and editing guide that walks you through every piece of the content creation puzzle. Created with businesses in mind, this course will reduce your need of outsourcing content creation and equip employees to expand your business presence.



My Exact Shooting, Editing, and Posting Routine

Covering a spectrum of content creation foundations, tips, and tricks, making you better and faster at creating eye-catching videos
#1: Camera settings - Understanding frame rate, shutter speed, aperture, and ISO, and how each component plays a part in your shot.
#2: How to shoot handheld and still make it look good
#3: Importing and organizing footage
#4: Sourcing audio
#5: Customizing your Adobe Premiere interface 
#6: How to edit to music
#7: How to color correct your footage to make it POP
#8: Time remapping and key framing footage
#9: Exporting videos for social media
#10: Uploading videos and linking audio on social

Shoot Your Shot! Discord Community

Access to our community Discord channel to view weekly tutorials, get feedback on videos, and ask for help.

Signature LUT Pack

20 carefully crafted LUTs, applicable for all styles, niches, and lighting settings in your videos

Everything You Need. Nothing You Don’t.

Other video training courses have so much information that you get overwhelmed and lost. This course has been curated to be simple, understandable, and applicable. Watch it one day, create content the next.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Dozens of creators have relied on this course along with its Q&A sessions to take their skill set to a new level of professionalism...but if you complete this course and feel like you've learned nothing, contact us to schedule a call and get your money back.

Tips and tricks on YouTube will only guide you for so long. How about we go through the entire process together, in one place?

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You're a communications or marketing professional.

Your business is relying on outsourcing for the majority of content your business is creating.

You're shooting content on a camera but editing on your phone (or shooting and editing everything on your phone).

You're already creating content but you want to improve your shooting and editing techniques.

You need a faster video editing routine. 

You need to create a higher volume of quality content to increase sales.

Introducing Shoot Your Shot: Reels Training Guide

The ultimate online video editing course designed exclusively for social media content creators like you.

Olana sitting on a wooden fence looking to the left, wearing a cowgirl hat, white Wrangler shirt, and blue jeans

Hi, I'm Olana...

I created this course because I have two great passions: videography and teaching. I want to help you breeze past the hurdles that lie ahead as you unleash your creative potential through video.

Over the past eight years, I've spend hundreds of hours on YouTube and spent thousands of dollars (while nearly pulling my hair out in frustration) trying to figure out how to navigate shooting and editing for social media.

Today, I edit reels in as little as four minutes while reaching millions of users on Instagram each month, and I've helped dozens of students through one-on-one training and group clinics.

Instead of having me train you one time, how about having access to my trainings every day, through every step of the process?

That's why I created the Shoot Your Shot: Reels Training Guide. 

It has everything you need to know about shooting and editing for social media without overloading you with information you're never going to use. 

As the content creator for your business/ employer, I want to help you grow.

You may be asking yourself: how will becoming a better video creator change my business? Well, it's simple - and I've seen it happen with every student who puts in the work.

Step #1: A better understanding of your camera helps you capture unique and high quality video.
Step #2: Unlocking the potential of Adobe Premiere allows you to create content FAST. When you spend less time editing, you have more time to spend on other job responsibilities.
Step #3: Shooting good video and editing quickly allows you to put our more content and gain more followers (remember, the more you post, the faster you grow). As your presence grows, so does the likelihood of social media influencing your sales numbers.
Step #4: As you continue to learn and grow as a creator, you will contribute to your business becoming an industry standard for social media communication and brand awareness.

I'm not just saying that learning to shoot and edit like a pro will transform your social presence and your sales...I've lived it.

In less than one year, I grew two separate business Instagram accounts by 15k and 60k followers. With that came better consumer communication, brand awareness, and SALES that were directly linked to social media. The tools you need to equip your marketing personnel are in this course.

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Whatever is on the other side of your lens, this course can apply to your niche. No matter who your business serves, the tactics taught in this course apply to you.

Each video segment takes you through a new piece of the content creation puzzle. Featuring suggested stopping points for new creators, and challenges for seasoned videographers, this is a one-stop-shop for all communications professionals.

From understanding camera settings and fundamentals of shooting handheld, to editing to music and linking audio on social, this course will transform your content creation routine.

Oh, and if you ever hire a new communications director, they can login and restart the course at any time, as long as your membership is active.

Choosing your gear
Shooting handheld tips
Data management
Understanding Adobe Premiere
Customizing your Adobe Premiere interface
Importing footage and audio
Building your timeline
How to edit to music
Keyboard shortcuts
Color correction
Installing, choosing, and deleting LUTs
Warp Stabilizer
Time remapping
Opening and applying video transitions
Keyframing video
Export settings
Uploading to social media
Intro to interviewing
Shooting safety

Here's what Shoot Your Shot! Students are Saying:

Alumni Emma, holding a camera, looking at the camera, with one hand under her chin
Alumni Liza standing in the woods, smiling at the camera, holding a black cowgirl hat
Alumni Monica standing in front of a tree, smiling at the camera


YouTube is a great resource. The problem is, once you find out what keywords to search, you then have to filter through thousands of videos covering the same topic...resulting in an extremely slow growth process.

Want to skip over that? Then you're in the right place. Shoot Your Shot! Reels Training Guide covers every topic you need to know to shoot and edit for social media, in sequential order.

Join the course today and start creating killer content TOMORROW.

⬇ Frequently Asked Questions ⬇

Q: What if I enroll in the course and then decide it's not for me?

A: I know you'll find value in this course, but if you complete it and feel like you learned absolutely nothing, you're eligible for a refund. Refunds are available within the first 30 days after your purchase & you must complete the entire course to schedule your refund call. Please make sure this course is a good fit for you before enrolling. If you have any questions, shoot an email to [email protected].

Q: Other courses are only $49.99, why is your course more expensive?

A: Here's the truth about other video editing courses: when you purchase the course for a low price, all you're getting is the intro to the detailed access the rest of the course, you'll have to pay another thousand dollars. Instead of doing that, I offer a six-month payment plan with access to every lesson the day you make your first payment.

Q: Can't I just learn all of this on YouTube?

A: YouTube is a great resource...but the side effect of "YouTube University" if that you'll waste hours and hours learning the same thing, searching for tutorials only to find partial answers/ not having the whole process laid out for you from start to finish. If you want to develop your skills FAST, this course is for you.

This course will save you months - if not years - of frustrated time searching for answers, learning skills out of order, ultimately reducing your confidence and excitement to be a content creator. For some, this course is $1,149 well spent. If saving time and making more money isn't worth it yet, then keep learning on YouTube until it is!

Q: Who is this course for?

A: This course is designed for beginners and intermediates, but even those who are regularly editing with Adobe Premiere Pro will find valuable takeaways. No matter your experience level, your success is dependent on the work you put in. I will give you the tools to grow, but it's up to you to do something with your new skill set!

Q: How long will it take me to complete the course?

A: That is entirely based on your hunger to learn and your schedule. You will easily be able to watch the course in a day, but many students come back over the course of a few months to polish up on skills they didn't retain.

Q: What editing software will we be learning to use?

A: The material in this course is taught using Adobe Premiere Pro. Adobe Premiere requires a $20/ month subscription. If you are slightly proficient in another editing software but are willing to switch, this course will work well for you. If you have a different editing software and are unwilling to switch, this course may not be for you.

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Here's what Shoot Your Shot!

Students are Saying:

Alumni Abbey sitting on the grass, a white horse putting its face in her hands while she smiles at the camera
Alumni Cara smiling at the camera wearing a jean jacket and cowgirl hat

Let's Connect!

Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @olanafilms